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I befriend you

 I befriend you
Categories: Love words

I befriend you..

Friendship between a man and a woman did not exist in the past. A woman’s privacy with a man was so rare that the two of them did not think to waste it gossiping and talking about politics. They preferred to spend it in kisses. But now it exists. .. Because girls have become abundantly present around men in offices and schools. That is why a new type of relationship began to emerge between men and women, which is friendship. Which does not go beyond exchanging greetings and asking about health. But it is still a weak relationship. It does not contain the seriousness of a man’s friendship. With a man.. nor the seriousness of a man’s love for a woman.. We befriend women.. but we do not feel that this friendship is necessary at all.. From a book on love and life by the writer Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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